This web site will contain pictures, sound clips and other info on the many years of WBET Radio Station, 1460am, Brockton, Massachusetts (1946 - Present).It will also feature our sister station WCAV 97.7fm that was with us for many years (1948 - 1998).
This page is in the beginning stages of what I hope will be a great site for people who have memories of WBET Radio Station. If you have any pictures or tape recordings from WBET, I would love it if you would let me use them on this site. Please e-mail me at:
Your help is much appreciated.
Share your memories of WBET Radio
1991 Brockton Enterprise Picture
Brief History
In 1946 WBET would occupy the second floor of the Brockton Enterprise building on Main Street. I am not sure of the address of this building or even if it still exists. In 1948
WBET-FM moved in. In 1951 they would move to East Ashland Street after being very cramped at the Enterprise Building. In 1980, the new Brockton Enterprise building was completed and the two stations moved there. WBET-FM became WCAV and was sold in 1999. WBET was sold in 1998 and again in 2006 and remains in the Enterprise Building. In the mid 1990's, land was purchased in West Bridgewater which was to house the Brockton Enterprise and the Radio Stations. The new radio station towers were installed there and a new WBET/WCAV radio station building was to be completed in 1988 and the new Enterprise building after the year 2000. None of these buildings were ever built. All that remains on the site are the two towers and WBET's tranmitter. There is a picture in the picture gallery of what the radio station building was to look like.

Newly Uploaded
WCAV Jingles
Old WBET Jingles
1990 Bob Wilson
(voice of the Boston Bruins for many years)
Many thanks to Doug Allen for his contributions to this site. Check out his webpages at:
When I started this site, I had many e-mails to put up a picture of Doc Jones. I finally managed to get a piture of him.
I found a great new site to host the pictures that were previously on Photosite and I will be uploading them to this site as I have a chance. Some photos are there. Keep checking back.